The 8 foundational principlesemanating from the numenEach of them offers uniquepathways to Wholeness
Numen - at the core
The numen is the 3D form that emerge from the fusion of circle and triangle.
The wisdom of the ring
Insights from the wearers
“ It points to thesimplicityon the other side of complexity "
Terry Patten - USA
“ I use it to remind meof NONDUALITYand basic unity “
Ken Wilber - USA
“ The ring is myaccess pointto life force itself “
Pamela von Sabljar - Sweden
“ It is a sacred toolrevealing the life cyclesof living things "
Eli Buren - USA
" It has a curious mix of grounded yet fluid and mysterious presence "
Adam Barley - UK
“ It is transcendental,at it’s core - a guideinto the unknown “
Lars Borgmann - Denmark
How you can use the ring
Reawaken your sense of wonder and awe
Seek Guidance
Asking a higher form of wisdom for guidance
ReGenerous Living
Living in alignment with our finite resources
Who am I ?
This question might reveal your True Self
From Essence
Be, relate and act from your True Self
My 3 Core Values
Aligning with Goodness, Truth and Beauty